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Romix Foods, supplier of home baking mixes in Leigh, employs 40 staff with nine aged 26 or younger. Romix believes in supporting and investing in the future of young people by ensuring that they are trained and educated to do their job to the best of their ability.

Partner, Mick McGowan of Romix, says: “A few years ago we got a couple of young lads aged about 17 knocking on the door of our factory. They wanted to know if we had any jobs.

“I asked them about their experience – which was limited, but told them to drop in their CVs and that something would probably come up. One of them, Adam Rimmer was interested in IT.

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“We started getting very busy and we needed a website so I called them back. I asked Adam to come in. Now, four years later he has built and developed two websites for us whilst working through his NVQ level two and three in business admin, and is now studying for a degree in IT through the Open University.”

Romix is also invested in Wigan. The company, located on Bright Street in Leigh, was established in 2013 when its previous occupier Victoria Foods, which supplied baking mixes to retailers, was sold and subsequently relocated.

Mick who had worked at Victoria Foods, with the then owner Dan Ross, could see an opportunity to change the business model.

Mick and Dan met up to to discuss the possibility of setting up a new business, still supplying dry ingredients, but this time in bulk to bakeries and manufacturers and together they established Romix.

Mick says: “The location is really important for a number of reasons. Firstly the logistics are good. We’re close to the M6 and the M61 and in Greater Manchester – so our suppliers can access us easily, bringing in the raw materials and we can supply the finished products to our clients through the close network links.

“Secondly, there is a talent pool here of people who were made redundant when Victoria Foods relocated. We have re-employed a good number of excellent operational staff with a wealth of experience.

“It’s a great place to do business. The support network is here. For example, we have engineers and corrugated manufacturers that we use just down the road in Hindley.”

Mick has also been supported through Wigan Council and the Business Growth Hub with a place on their mentoring programme.

He said: “I have contact with people from global entities like GlaxoSmithKline who can offer support and advice. It’s been great to have the reassurance that what you’re doing is right. It has also opened up my mind to new opportunities and ways of working smarter.

“There is a good support network in Wigan and it all helps to grow and develop your business.”
